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June 23, 2008


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Krystal Bell

What beautiful photos! I haven't thought of doing a project like this. Great idea!

Sarah Jane

Clair--Can you please tell me how one would go around making one of these trees? They would be a fun summer project for the kids! Thank you!!!


The best (and prettiest in my opinion) to make these bottle trees is to wrap wire around the stem and simply hang them from the branches. You may want to put some distance between the bottles to prevent them clanking together and breaking. Here's a good example:


Now for the ones made of rebar, you'd need a welder in the family or just purchase one online. This fellow has pretty varied designs (but I've never purchased one before:


I've also seen the trees made out of regular posts with 3/8" PVC pipe nailed into it. I think they look more like bottle cacti.


This person acheived the same effect with a recycled Xmas tree:


I think the most fun of doing one of these trees would be many many garage sale days looking for colorful bottles.

Best of luck!

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